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Home → Blog → Company News → 3 ways to reduce exposure to air pollution
The last few decades have seen an unprecedented explosion in industry, as well as in technology. These two factors have led to a huge increase in the amount of resources we’re consuming when it comes to fossil fuels and also when it comes to trees. Oceans and forests play a significant role in our ability to live on this planet, with important filtering qualities regarding oxygen and carbon dioxide.
As a consequence, air pollution is more of a problem than ever; and it’s not confined to a single country. There are dozens of ways you could be exposed to air pollution throughout your daily life. If you live in a built-up, metropolitan environment, it’s even harder to avoid.
Air pollution has a significant part to play concerning your overall health. However, there are ways you can reduce your exposure to air pollution, which can have a considerable benefit in the long run on your respiratory system. Read on to discover our top three.
1: Plan Where to Spend Your Time
This point is probably the first step a lot of us took when we began to work on reducing our exposure to air pollution. The thing to realize is that some perfectly normal-looking outside areas can carry many potentially harmful chemicals.
If you run outside, for example, it might be an idea to reconsider your route. Any street with cars on it will be full of polluted air, so if you could substitute any roads like that for green areas like parks or rivers, you’ll be able to significantly cut back on the overall amount of air pollution you’re exposed to. Similarly, if you live next to a large manufacturing site or a busy highway, trying to stay inside during busy periods can be a good idea to keep in mind.
2: Use an Air Filter
Even though technology’s harmful effects on our air got a head-start, technology being developed to combat those issues is beginning to catch up. One instance of this happening is the concept of portable air purifiers, which work to strip the most dangerous chemicals out of the air and, as such, reduce the risk of any negative impacts on your health.
Studies have shown that air purification methods, like portable air purifiers, can positively affect stress hormones. So air purifiers don’t only work to clean the air; they have a substantial impact on the levels of stress experienced by the people using them. There isn’t a good reason not to use an air purifier, especially as they’ve become relatively inexpensive. It’s a low-maintenance way of consistently contributing to purer air in your workplace or home.
If you are spending a lot of time outside in highly polluted areas, consider wearing an air pollution mask to protect your lungs from dangerous particles in the air.
Airinum masks use a multilayer filter technology to provide superior protection from air pollution. Both the Urban Air Mask 2.0 and the Lite Air Mask filter out more than 99.9% of particles down to 0.3μm in size.
The anti-pollution masks provide a submicron dust filtering capability to protect against PM2.5 and even smaller particles.
3: Minimize Your Own Footprint
There are a number of ways to do this; among the most commonly mentioned are using a bicycle instead of a car, taking public transport whenever possible, and reducing the time you spend on airplanes to an absolute minimum. While these are all great tips, there are other things you can do to further improve your air pollution footprint that can take place in your own home.
One of the best examples of domestic changes you can make is reducing how much you wash and dry your clothes. More than half of the total environmental effects a product has is accounted for by the washing and drying of that product.
Textile technologies have been developed to help minimize environmental footprint. Polygiene Freshness technologies, for example, is a tool to help control odors in textiles, so garments need less washing, saving water, energy and wear and tear.
Available in a number of different categories, this can be an excellent way to reduce your environmental footprint in your own house and goes a long way towards minimizing your exposure to air pollution.